Flango Header Image


A dashboard designed to help people learn a new language and setup mentor sessions and group classes.

Building an End-to-end language learning web app.
User Experience
Visual Design
3 Weeks - June 2021


The language learning space is highly competitive with many different languages being offered through dozens of different ways of teaching the language. Narrow the scope to a specific aspect of language learning, which is a focus on understanding and memorizing the essential words and phrases users need to easily communicate with locals. 


Build an end-to-end we app with features such as flashcards, word of the day, review options and progress trackers.

Offer mentoring sessions and group classes. All accessible from a beautiful dashboard.


Research Ramp-Up
Flango Customer Journey
Build independent and collaborative learning tools.

DuoLingo focuses on a gamification method for teaching the language. Babbel teaches through an arguably more professional focus and offers live classes and unique ways of learning.

Flango hopes to utilize flashcards and user input prompts similar to Babbel to help the users memorize words and phrases.


Felt that it was very difficult, if not impossible to learn a language without conversing and practicing at least every few days.


Mentioned the use of the SRS (Spaced Repetition System) method of learning.


Many find a language partner or virtual classroom is very close to actually being immersed in the country.

"Learning a language is a huge challenge, it ultimately comes down to motivation, dedication and practice."

Information Architecture

Building a flow that encourages practice and repetition.

We designed multiple paths the user can take to browse the site, enter the language dashboard and begin practicing. 

From the dashboard, users have the ability to quickly setup and manage mentor sessions, group classes and weekly goals.

Flango User Flow
Flango Site Map
Creating wireframes for edge cases and interaction.

Creating extensive wireframes allowed me to visualize how the main dashboard will interact with and be utilized from other screens.

Flango WireframesView All Wireframes


Flango UI
Designing an experience that encourages growth and enjoyment.
Flango Styles

Lessons, progress, review, mentor sessions and more are all easily found on a single page. 

An approach which involves creating cards for most items, allows us to quickly create multiple variations of the same component and create a consistent, modular UI.

Selected colors and typography help differentiate our product while reaming approachable, access and pleasant.

Flango offers an extensive feature-rich dashboard that encourages learning through a fun, friendly user interface. 

Testing and Iterating

View Prototype
Flango Usability Graphic
"I enjoyed seeing my mentor and upcoming sessions, the dashboard is awesome with a very positive and upbeat vibe. I would love using this product!"
Flango Landing Page V1

• Landing page CTA buttons hard to read
• "I wasn't sure which button was for sign up."


• Switching languages was challenging
• Would like an option to edit goals


• Expected to be able to manage mentor sessions and skip or cancel classes


• Create unique buttons for hero section
• Utilize colors that complement the hero section.


• Created new language selector tabs
• Updated fluency style, edit icon


• Build out mentor scheduling feature and expand available options and detail for class module

Flango UI Kit

UI Kit

Unique interactivity and a bold approach to a competitive field.

Creating a language learning platform allowed us to learn valuable teaching methods and develop a product that was habit-forming, creating a sense of enjoyment while encouraging users to return regularly and continue learning.

In future iterations I would love to add more learnings styles and exercises as well as a milestone system.

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